Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Is What's On Your Plate Robbing You Of Optimal Health?

They are many folks that have heard about the blood type diet but many however, are not aware of the connection of the blood type to nutrition, exercise, personality, and susceptibility to different diseases.  Do you know your blood type?  My purpose here is to bring about an awareness of the concept and how important of a role our blood type plays when it comes to optimum health and well-being.  For more detail explanation I strongly recommend Dr. Peter D’Adamo “Eat Right 4 Your Type” book which is a best seller and one that has been translated into over 50 languages.  To date they are over thousands of folks that are experiencing remarkable results just by implementing the principles found in this book.......

I should add that the advice in this book is not intended as a substitute or recommendation of your health care provider, an especially if you have an existing health issue if that is the case you should consult a physician before trying this or any other diet.  But in my personal opinion this way of eating could just be the missing link in the recovery and or prevention of many of our present health problems.  I know that it can be a strong statement to make but with so many testifying to the benefits they are getting from this diet I must say that the pie is in the pudding when it comes to eating right for your type.    Dr. D’Adamo states in this book that foods are classified into three categories beneficial, neutral, and avoid.  Following are a few examples of the three basic classifications for each blood type in order to maximize your health.

Type O

Highly Beneficial: Beef, lamb, liver, eggs, salmon, whitefish, olive and flaxseed oils, onions, kale, garlic, spinach, plums and prunes, pineapple juice, to mention a few.

Neutral: Chicken, turkey, bass, shrimp, lobster, butter, goat cheese, cod liver oil, almonds, pecans, string beans, rice, rye bread, many vegetables, most fruits, most juices, most spices, mustard, mayonnaise, chamomile tea, beer, red and white wine, plus many other items.

Avoid: Pork, ham, bacon, catfish, lox, milk, goat milk, cheese, peanuts, cashews, navy beans, lentils, wheat, oats, corn, white potato, cabbage, olives, oranges, honeydew melons, strawberries, apple juice, orange juice, vinegar, black peppers, ketchup, coffee (even decaffeinated), tea, and sodas.  Type O‘s have a hardy digestive tract and thrive on animal protein. Organic, free range meats are preferable.

Type A

Highly Beneficial:  Rainbow trout, sea trout, whitefish, salmon, soya cheese, soy milk, olive and flaxseed oils, peanuts, lentils, black eyed peas, buckwheat, amaranth, Ezekiel bread, rice cakes, broccoli, carrots, kale, spinach and many other vegetables, apricots, grapefruit, pineapple, juice of these fruits, ginger, garlic, mustard, rose hips tea, coffee, red wine, and green tea.

Neutral: Chicken, turkey, ocean perch, sea bass, swordfish, goat cheese, yogurt, kefir, cod liver oil, almonds, filberts, macadamia nuts, green peas , snap beans, rice, corn flakes, gluten-free bread, wild rice, spelt noodles, cauliflower, celery, corn, apples, grapes, melons, peaches, pears, apple and grape juice, very many spices, pickles, jelly, dandelion tea, senna tea, and white wine.

Avoid:  All red meats, anchovy, catfish, clam, American cheese, cottage cheese, brie, buttermilk, corn oil, peanut oil, Brazil nuts, cashews, navy beans, kidney beans, red beans, grape nuts, shredded wheat, granola, whole wheat bread, white and whole wheat flour, cabbage, all potatoes, bananas, oranges, tomatoes, black pepper, catnip tea, beer, and distilled liquor.  Type A’s flourish on somewhat more vegetarian diets.

Type B

Highly Beneficial: Lamb, rabbit, venison, cod, halibut, salmon, cottage cheese, goat milk, skim milk, olive oil, navy beans, oatmeal, puffed rice, Ezekiel bread, rice, kale, cabbage, carrots, and many other vegetables, bananas, grapes, pineapple, grape juice, cranberry juice, cayenne pepper, ginger, rose hips tea, and green tea.

Neutral:  Beef, liver, turkey, whitefish, catfish, white perch, buttermilk, Monterey Jack, cod liver oil, flax oil, pecans, walnuts, white beans, snap beans, grape nuts, granola, gluten-free bread, oat bran muffins, quinoa, brown and white rice, garlic, cucumber, white potatoes, and very many other vegetables, apples, peaches pears, apricot juice, orange juice, most spices, mayonnaise, mustard, many herbal teas, coffee, and red and white wine.

Avoid:  Bacon, ham, chicken, duck, pork, shrimp, lobster, anchovy, American cheese, ice cream, peanut oil, safflower oil, peanuts, cashews, filberts, lentils, pinto beans, wheat cereals, corn flakes, multigrain bread, rye bread, buckwheat, couscous, yellow corn, all olives, coconuts, rhubarb, tomato, black pepper, ketchup, senna tea, distilled liquor, and cola.
This type diet represents "the best of the animal and vegetable kingdoms."

Type AB

Highly Beneficial:  Lamb, rabbit, turkey, salmon, mackerel, sardine, cottage cheese, goat milk, olive oil, peanuts, walnuts, chestnuts, navy beans, green lentils, oatmeal, Essene and Ezekiel bread, rye crisp, white and brown rice, broccoli, celery, kale, garlic, grapes, figs, pineapple, grape juice, carrot juice, horseradish, ginger tea, hawthorn tea, rose hips tea, coffee, and green tea.

Neutral: Liver, pheasant, catfish, carp, sole, snapper, skim milk, soy milk, cheddar cheese, peanut oil, cod liver oil, cashews, almonds, brazil nuts, green beans, northern beans, domestic lentils, grape nuts, seven grains, cream of rice, whole wheat bread, multigrain bread, couscous, quinoa, asparagus, carrots, red cabbage, white potatoes, and many other vegetables, apples, peaches, pears, various melons, apple juice, pineapple juice, prune juice, very many spices, mustard, mayonnaise, jelly from appropriate fruits, catnip tea, peppermint tea,  red and white wine.

Avoid:  Anchovy, sea bass, lobster, haddock, lox, bacon, beef, pork, veal, venison, ice cream, whole milk, buttermilk, sherbet, corn oil safflower oil, filberts, sesame seeds, lima beans, garbanzo beans, kidney beans, kamut, buckwheat kasha, lima beans, all white and yellow corn, red and yellow peppers, bananas, oranges, rhubarb, white vinegar, cayenne pepper, ketchup, relish, fenugreek tea, senna tea, distilled liquor, diet and other sodas.

Many claim that it is a restrictive diet I consider it an adaptable diet, just think about it if a food or foods you like is one that is robbing you from experiencing optimal health and energy, which path are you going to choose?  You owe it to yourself and your loved ones to make the right choice.  Yours in health.

You can now purchase a home test kit to find out what your blood type is.  Click here.

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