Wednesday, July 18, 2012

What Can Lectins Do To Your Health!

Lectin might be a new word for you, or perhaps not.  Science has known about lectins for a long time, but it wasn’t until Dr. D’Adamo began his research with food lectins and how we react to them that their significance really gained momentum.  A lectin is just a small protein and these proteins are naturally occurring in several species of plants and sometimes animals.  Plant lectins are used as a defense system to kill fungus and small insects.  Some lectins are bad for everybody, like the ones in castor beans.  If you extract castor bean lectins, you end up with a well known biological poison called Ricin.  Other lectins are blood type specific, meaning they only affect one or two blood types, but not the others.  This works because lectins are like Velcro to your blood cells.  If you eat a protein, fruit or seed with a lectin that likes your blood type, it will cause your blood cells to stick togetherLectins can clot your blood cells together, cause acute and chronic inflammation, destroy intestinal microvilli, attach to insulin receptors and cause cells to become insulin resistant and store fat, and it can also slow the absorption of protein and other nutrients.  You can learn more about lectin pros and cons in Dr. D’Adamo Live Right 4 Your Type Book.


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