Tuesday, June 05, 2012

All Type's Needs Deflect!

Deflect is a natural product composed of 'blocking sugars' designed to interfere with the adherence of troublesome dietary lectins. Since many lectins are ABO blood type specific, there are 4 different deflect formulas: one for each blood type. The blocking sugars in Deflect can be considered 'sacrificial molecules' that attach to carbohydrate receptors on the lectins, rendering them unable to bind to the cells of the body......

The Deflect formulas provide a source of free blocking amino sugars which bind and block lectins before they can attach to the cells. Since each blood type is susceptible to lectins with different carbohydrate specificities, Dr. D'Adamo designed formulas to block lectins by using mono and poly saccharides specific for each blood type.

Situations where Deflect products may be indicated include:
  • Carbohydrate intolerant individuals who typically gain weight on high carbohydrate diets.
  • 'Leaky Gut' and intestinal dysbiosis.
  • Food sensitivities.
  • Individuals with a low inflammatory threshold.
Try it today: Deflect for my type.

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