Friday, June 22, 2012

Thumbs Up To The Blood Type Diet!

My wife is a great fan of Dr. Oz and it is good to know that he gave the thumbs up to the Blood Type diet, and it was in the for women only First magazine that he stated that eating right for his type gives him more vital energy, and don't we all need that!  They are a few skeptics and critics in the medical field that gleefully bash the very idea that blood type could possibly have a significant role in human health, other than ensuring a proper match for a blood transfusion and who through heaps of conclusions that can barely compare to the many years of research and work of Dr. Peter D’Adamo, the Blood Type diet continues to gain momentum across the world with the results speaking for themselves.  The majority of his followers myself included are sharing a passion reaching far beyond following a formula that leads to well being,  but there is also the understanding of the science behind the data this concept has open doors into the biochemical understanding of the modern man that are always seeking for a better quality of life in the health arena........

Before I began the Blood Type Diet I was under the impression that I was eating an optimal diet  were most of my protein came from beans and at times some protein shakes I only consumed poultry or fish  maybe 3 to 4 times a week and I also ate a lot of wheat breads and wheat products.  Some of this will have been fine if I was a “Type B”  Individual but as a “Type O” I need to be consuming more animal protein which should be primarily organic meats, poultry and wild caught fish that are free of added hormones or antibiotics, cut out wheat and engage in vigorous aerobic exercise.  I was not aware that the way I was eating prior to the Blood Type Diet, was causing me not to function at my optimal best, so I attributed my joint pain, fatigue and weight gain to the normal process of aging, but to my surprise after only a short period of time of eating for my type I began to experience less stress, more energy, no more joint pain and even some muscle tone especially  in the belly area, I told my wife that it looks like I am getting  a six pack she did laugh but she also did a double take, and that was fine with me, hey you can blame a man for trying….!  

But making a long story short my natural state of health returned and I sincerely have to give credit to Dr. Peter D’Adamo books, Protein shakes and supplements for this improvement that not only I am experiencing but so is my wife and a few of our family members and friends that have incorporated this way of eating into their life’s.  Don’t get me wrong I do occasionally have my cake and eat it too but this is very seldom and I do take my Deflect a supplement that Dr. D’Adamo developed to help counteract some of the lectin damage that takes place when we do eat any of these avoidable foods.

I have come to the conclusion that in order for the Blood Type diet to work people need to consider it a lifestyle more so than a diet, and an application that offer us not only the opportunity to select specific and compatible foods that is going to improve our health, but one that is also providing strategies for our physical, and mental well being.  Yours in health.


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